How to automate processing of sanger sequencing data in R

1 minute read


  • adapted from sangeranalyseR, see:

```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

```{r echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE}
# LIBS ----
# requires that blast is installed on your system

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE} source(‘~/PhD/Anti-Pd/inhibition/SangerAnalysis/consensus/stubs.R’)


- Set variables for input folders
- PARSE FOLDERS and list all .AB1 files

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE}
fwd_fldr <- 'sanger_data/forward'
rev_fldr <- 'sanger_data/reverse'

fwd_files <- list.files(path = fwd_fldr, pattern = '.AB1')
rev_files <- list.files(path = rev_fldr, pattern = '.AB1')
  • name the vectors by the IDs
  • format of files names may be different

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE} names(fwd_files) <- gsub(pattern = “._“,replacement=””, gsub(pattern = “-(.)”,replacement=”“,fwd_files) ) names(rev_files) <- gsub(pattern = “._“,replacement=””, gsub(pattern = “-(.)”,replacement=”“,rev_files) )

if (!all(names(rev_files) %in% names(fwd_files)) & !all(names(fwd_files) %in% names(rev_files))) { warning(‘Not all names are shared between fwd and rev’) }

- blast db
- download from:
- make sure to index the fasta file first

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE}
makeblastdb(file="blast/SILVA_138.1_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta",dbtype = "nucl")
bl <- blast(db = "blast/SILVA_138.1_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva.fasta",type = "blastn")


```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE} conseqs <- vector(mode = ‘list’, length = length(rev_files)) names(conseqs) <- names(rev_files)

blast_results <- vector(mode = ‘list’, length = length(rev_files)) names(blast_results) <- names(rev_files)

for (nm in names(rev_files)[1]) { cat(‘…. working on [’, nm, ‘]\n’, sep = ‘’) fwd_file <- fwd_files[[nm]] rev_file <- rev_files[[nm]] fwd <- readsangerseq(filename = file.path(fwd_fldr, fwd_file)) rev <- readsangerseq(filename = file.path(rev_fldr, rev_file)) fwd_edit<-makeBaseCalls(fwd) fwd_edit <- primarySeq(fwd_edit)

rev_edit<-makeBaseCalls(rev) rev_edit <- primarySeq(rev_edit)

# get reverse complement rev_edit <- reverseComplement(rev_edit)

# get unaligned set of the reads we wish to merge reads <- DNAStringSet(c(as.character(fwd_edit), as.character(rev_edit))) names(reads) <- c(‘fwd’, ‘rev’)

# merge F and R reads merged_reads <- merge.reads(reads)

spliced_reads<-DNAString(c(merged_reads$alignment$fwd[1:round(length(merged_reads$consensus)/2)], merged_reads$alignment$rev[(round(length(merged_reads$consensus)/2)+1):length(merged_reads$consensus)]))

# add to store # conseqs[[nm]] <- merged_reads[[‘consensus’]] # conseqs[[nm]] <- merged_reads[[‘alignment’]] conseqs[[nm]] <- spliced_reads

# run BLAST nuc_blast <- predict(bl, DNAStringSet(conseqs[nm]),)[1,] esum<-entrez_summary(db = “nuccore”,id = gsub(pattern = “\.[^.]*$”,replacement=”“,x=as.character(nuc_blast$SubjectID))) nuc_blast$species<-esum$organism blast_results[[nm]] <- nuc_blast }

# BLAST results


make string set

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE} conseqs <- Filter(length, conseqs) print(conseqs)

if you want to remove gaps

conseqs <- RemoveGaps(DNAStringSet(conseqs))

- write results to file

```{r echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,error=FALSE}
writeXStringSet(x = DNAStringSet(conseqs), filepath = 'results/consensus.fa')